01 Sep Locking the Icom IC-9700 with the Leo Bodnar GPS locking system
by Paul VK3DA
Well, a few days ago I decided to see how the “Leo Bodnar” GPS locking system was performing on my IC9700. Unbeknown to me the reference frequency beacon I use VK3RGL was a little wonky donkey. This was confirmed, with many thanks by Andrew VK3FS and by the spectrum analyser provided by Alan VK3ZAH.
It was showing drift of about 100 Hz which the Leo Bodnar system picked up straight away. Unfortunately, I didn’t and adjusted the IC9700 Ref to accommodate.
So with the help of Grant VK3GD and his accurate signal generator, we quickly realigned my radio. It was 500hz out. It only took 3 minutes to adjust and confirm it with the Leo Bodnar system.
Great to see some activity in the clubrooms.
Paul VK3DA
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